Professional changing DIAPER

How many nappies?

What we have is a typical range based on averages. There are a lot of factors that affect the frequency of nappy changes which often vary from child to child. These factors may include the baby’s weight, feeding habits and even the weather. 

According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, an infant can pee as often as once an hour or as infrequently as every 4 to 6 hours

Nappy SizeWeightAge RangeHow Many Nappies Per Day
Preemie<4 lbs / <1.8 kgprematureAs needed
Newborn<6 lbs / <3 kgfirst few weeks only8–12 nappies per day
Size 14–11 lbs. / 2-5 kgbirth–4 months8–10 nappies per day
Size 29–18 lbs./ 4-8 kg3–8 months8–9 nappies per day
Size 313–22 lbs. / 6-10 kg5–12 months6–7 nappies per day
Size 420–31 lbs. / 9-14 kg8–18 months5–7 nappies per day
Size 524-35 lbs. / 11-16 kg14-24 months4-6 nappies per day
Size 6> 33 lbs / >15 kg18 months+4-6 nappies per day

VIA The Wriggler

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